Are you a Millennial mom raising an Alpha Gen child while navigating a demanding career and societal pressures? Alpha Mothers empowers you to thrive.

Welcome back! You’ve got this

Today I met a new mom returning to work after mat leave, and it took me right back to my own experience two years ago. 👶 I remember that mix of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and this overwhelming urge to prove I could still “do it all.”

I wanted to be the same “superwoman” I was before, juggling deadlines and meetings like a pro. But here’s the thing I’ve learned: ☀️ It’s not about going back. It’s about moving forward.

We change. We grow. We become even more resilient and capable than before.
Motherhood, especially, throws you into a whirlwind of transformation. These tiny humans will help you learn to multitask like never before, to prioritize on the fly, and to tap into a wellspring of strength you never knew you had.

You might not feel it right now but if you look later, it is clear.

So, to all the new moms (and dads!) out there navigating this transition, embrace the change. You’re not “losing” yourself; you’re evolving into an even more amazing version of yourself. ✨ You’ll find new rhythms, new strengths, and a whole new level of “superwoman” you didn’t know existed.

Right now, just be kind to yourself and be there for that tiny human. 🧸

And to the amazing woman I met today, welcome back! You’ve got this.

#motherhood hashtag#momsintechnology hashtag#workingmom hashtag#backtowork hashtag#maternityleave hashtag#womenintech hashtag#parentsintech

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About the Coach ›

Shivi Agarwal is the passionate and insightful blogger behind AlphaMothers. With a deep commitment to helping high achieving, ambitious women live a better life, navigate struggles and manage mental health. Shivi brings a wealth of corporate experience and expertise from companies like Deloitte and Salesforce.


Weekly Thoughts on raising alpha gen kids by millennial mom’s

We know that challenges we face as high achieving mothers of alpha gen kids are unique and complex for everyone. AlphaMothers is here to help you find yourself and realize your full potential.