Are you a Millennial mom raising an Alpha Gen child while navigating a demanding career and societal pressures? Alpha Mothers empowers you to thrive.

Motherhood and plethora of uncertainties

Ever felt that pang of uncertainty when you realized your career path was about to take an unexpected turn?

That’s exactly how I felt when I found out I was expecting as a first time mom.

Becoming a mother is a joyous occasion, filled with anticipation and love. But amidst the excitement, it can also be a time of intense anxiety, especially for women who have dedicated years to building their careers—even when we try to be mentally prepared for it.

I vividly remember the day I found out I was pregnant. While thrilled, a wave of fear washed over me. It wasn’t just the fear of childbirth or the challenges of parenting; it was the fear of losing myself and all the hard-earned progress in my career.

Doubts swirled in my mind. Would I be able to balance it all? Would my career stall? Would I ever regain the momentum I had before?

I longed for a voice of experience, a successful woman who had navigated this path, to reassure me, “It will be alright. You won’t lose anything, only gain.”

Now, after 2.5 years of navigating motherhood, I can confidently say those fears, while valid, were often unfounded. We find a way, we adapt, and we emerge even stronger and more capable than before.

Motherhood is a journey of transformation, not a roadblock to our ambitions. Let’s create a supportive community where we can share our experiences, offer encouragement, and remind each other that we can, indeed, do it all.

To any soon-to-be first-time moms who need that assurance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I understand that feeling of overwhelm and would be happy to share my experiences and offer support.


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About the Coach ›

Shivi Agarwal is the passionate and insightful blogger behind AlphaMothers. With a deep commitment to helping high achieving, ambitious women live a better life, navigate struggles and manage mental health. Shivi brings a wealth of corporate experience and expertise from companies like Deloitte and Salesforce.


Weekly Thoughts on raising alpha gen kids by millennial mom’s

We know that challenges we face as high achieving mothers of alpha gen kids are unique and complex for everyone. AlphaMothers is here to help you find yourself and realize your full potential.