Ever felt that pang of uncertainty when you realized your career path was about to take an unexpected turn?
That’s exactly how I felt when I found out I was expecting as a first time mom.
Becoming a mother is a joyous occasion, filled with anticipation and love. But amidst the excitement, it can also be a time of intense anxiety, especially for women who have dedicated years to building their careers—even when we try to be mentally prepared for it.
I vividly remember the day I found out I was pregnant. While thrilled, a wave of fear washed over me. It wasn’t just the fear of childbirth or the challenges of parenting; it was the fear of losing myself and all the hard-earned progress in my career.
Doubts swirled in my mind. Would I be able to balance it all? Would my career stall? Would I ever regain the momentum I had before?
I longed for a voice of experience, a successful woman who had navigated this path, to reassure me, “It will be alright. You won’t lose anything, only gain.”
Now, after 2.5 years of navigating motherhood, I can confidently say those fears, while valid, were often unfounded. We find a way, we adapt, and we emerge even stronger and more capable than before.
Motherhood is a journey of transformation, not a roadblock to our ambitions. Let’s create a supportive community where we can share our experiences, offer encouragement, and remind each other that we can, indeed, do it all.
To any soon-to-be first-time moms who need that assurance or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. I understand that feeling of overwhelm and would be happy to share my experiences and offer support.

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