Are you a Millennial mom raising an Alpha Gen child while navigating a demanding career and societal pressures? Alpha Mothers empowers you to thrive.

A letter to my younger self ✍

Yesterday, I participated in an activity where I wrote a letter ✍ to my younger self, remembering about a time of pure joy and freedom as a child. It was such a powerful experience that I wanted to share it with all of you.

“Hey kiddo,

The WORLD, LIFE, and YOU are going to change in ways you can’t even imagine.

That brother next to you right now, those 🚵 bike rides together—hold onto those memories tight, cherish them now. You won’t always have those bonds in the same way, though they will evolve, and he will become your motivation at a point in time.

👯 But you’ll make new relationships, a new family; you will have so many friends, colleagues, and mentors. Some will come and go, and some will stay a little longer, but all of them will shape who you become.

You will discover yourself in the process, maybe know what makes you happy, maybe not, and make thousands of mistakes—and learn from them and shape yourself.

Trust your gut. It knows what you truly want, even when you’re not sure.

And be kind to yourself. Mistakes happen. Learn from them and keep going.

Don’t be afraid to take risks. That thing you’re dreaming of doing? Go for it! Even if it doesn’t work out exactly as planned, you’ll learn so much and grow in ways you never imagined.

Writing this letter made me realize how far I’ve come and how much I’ve learned.

What would YOU tell your younger self? Share your wisdom in the comments!”

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About the Coach ›

Shivi Agarwal is the passionate and insightful blogger behind AlphaMothers. With a deep commitment to helping high achieving, ambitious women live a better life, navigate struggles and manage mental health. Shivi brings a wealth of corporate experience and expertise from companies like Deloitte and Salesforce.


Weekly Thoughts on raising alpha gen kids by millennial mom’s

We know that challenges we face as high achieving mothers of alpha gen kids are unique and complex for everyone. AlphaMothers is here to help you find yourself and realize your full potential.